Stewardship Ministry

June 21st, 2024

Stewardship Committee News

Thank you to our 2024 Stewards. With your love and dedication, the amount pledged as of June 21st is $154,610 with 108 families. This is 83% of our budgeted goal of $185,500.

If you are not yet a steward, please prayerfully consider joining us as we thank our Lord for our many blessings, give back from that which He has generously given us (time, talent, and treasure), and support our parish and its ministries. We need everyone’s support. Stewardship forms are available on the pangari/candle stand and in the church office. They are also available on the church website in the Stewardship tab (under the Donation tab). Print, fill out, and return to church.

 For those who prefer the convenience of online forms, an online stewardship form will be available soon in the Stewardship tab—no printing necessary.

Thank you for giving your time, talent and treasure.

Yours in Christ,

Constance Kollias Anastopoulos

Stewardship Chair


Click the Donation Portal link at the top of the page for online donations...   In Christ our Lord

To complete the stewardship card  click the button below:

Stewardship Card