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9:30AM Divine Liturgy
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4th Friday of Lent
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Hilarion the New; Herodion the Apostle of the 70; Stephen the Wonderworker
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Upcoming Services & Events
Sunday, June 30
https://www.goarch.org/-/clergy-laity-congress-2024-to-be-held-in-san-diego?googlelink=https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=NmYyNDZjNDJkc2swbjJzdjY5ZWpodG9majEgc3RkZW1jYWxlbmRhckBt">Clergy-Laity Congress & Philoptochos Convention
Friday, March 21
5:30 pm3rd Salutation to Theotokos
St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 3939 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85718, USA
Sunday, March 23
8:15 amOrthros
9:30 amDivine Liturgy
11 amSunday School after Holy Communion
Tuesday, March 25
Greek Independence Day!
8:15 amAnnunciation (Orthros)